Matthew Fox – Entrepreneur Coach, Blair County
Hello Everyone! I’m Matt and I’m excited to be the entrepreneurial and start-up coach for Blair County and I look forward to helping you make your business dreams a reality.
While I am not a native of Blair County or the First Frontier region, I have called this area my home for over 15 years and cannot think of a better place to live. I grew up in Carlisle, Pennsylvania then my family moved to the northern Virginia area where I graduated high school and lived for 10 years after graduating from Penn State University.
Growing up my father started his own picture framing business in a spare room in our home and named his venture Fox Framing. Everyday we answered the phone “Fox Framing headquarters how may we help you” to which all our friends and family had a good laugh, but it was instilled at a young age what professionalism and hard work meant. Like many entrepreneurs their companies start as side projects and while my father never left his full-time job to conquer the custom picture framing world, we did meet a lot of people and grew the business every year.
All my jobs post college have been with smaller companies with the maximum number of employees at 12 which allows someone to experience and be involved with as many facets of a business as they want. I have been fortunate to have bosses that have embraced my enthusiasm for learning more and more about each business, vendors, clients and more.
While I may not be the exact subject matter expert that you are looking to assist your startup venture, I know that my network of people can get you to right people to help you. I am passionate about seeing all companies regardless of size thrive here in Blair County and the entire region.