Support Local Businesses on Small Business Saturday and all Holiday Shopping Season

 In Alleghenies Marketplace, Entrepreneurship

On Small Business Saturday, November 25, support local small businesses in the Alleghenies to make a difference in your local community and the regional economy. Here are three ways to make the most of Small Business Saturday and the entire holiday shopping season:

  1. Visit small business retailers

Small businesses across the Alleghenies region in Bedford, Blair, Cambria, Fulton, Huntingdon, and Somerset Counties offer unique items that make meaningful gifts. Every purchase you make supports business owners who are part of the community and the Alleghenies region. Kick off your holiday season by strolling the streets in the beautiful cities and small towns of the Alleghenies visiting local merchants.

  1. Enjoy local restaurants and cafés

While you’re out, don’t forget to support local restaurants and coffee shops. Start the day at your favorite breakfast spot, make the effort to visit a local café for lunch, snacks, and your caffeine fix, and enjoy dinner from a local restaurant.

  1. Support local merchants online

You can also support local businesses online, all in one place. The Alleghenies Marketplace powered by Startup Alleghenies, is an online collective of local merchants offering unique products and gift cards. Featuring more than 70 unique merchants and a variety of products and gift cards, the marketplace has gifts for everyone: food items, apparel, handmade housewares and décor, artwork, beauty and wellness gifts, and a lot more—all locally made or curated, and available online. You’ll find something for everyone on your list.

Shopping small has a big impact. Here are a few ways supporting locally owned small businesses makes a difference. Supporting small businesses stimulates the local economy, supports local jobs, is easier on the environment, keeps a variety of businesses thriving, grows community spirit, and helps you find unique gifts.

This Small Business Saturday and throughout the season, shoppers can help create more vibrant and sustainable communities across the Alleghenies and find one-of-a-kind treasured gifts for the holidays.

Startup Alleghenies helps startup and emerging small businesses succeed by providing free coaching to entrepreneurs in Bedford, Blair, Cambria, Fulton, Huntingdon and Somerset counties. To access personal, one-on-one support from a coach in your county, including guidance, resources, tools and networking opportunities, sign up at

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